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Smelt Fry April 26, 2025 Doors Open at 4:30 The Lotus Grand (Formerly St. Michael's Hall) 1230 170th Place Hammond, IN |
The Hammond Optimist Club has 90+ members and is a part of Zone 6 in the Northern region of the State of Indiana. Founded in 1937, the club initially comprised of 41 members.
Our own local project is the Hammond Optimist Youth Sports Complex and our affiliation with Hammond Optimist Youth Sports. The complex and program is named for us due to the contributions to develop the park and our yearly support of the HOYS program.
Optimist International is an association of more than 2,600 Optimist Clubs around the world dedicated to "Bringing Out the Best in Kids." With their upbeat attitude, Optimist Club members help empower young people to be the best that they can be.